The Canadian Anthology of Social Studies: Issues and Strategies for Teachers

300-309 Sociology  [ Browse Items ]
Publication Year
424 pages 
Social sciences -- Study and teaching. 
Biblio Notes
Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Roland Case; Penney Clark
ISBN: 1895766397 9781895766394
OCLC Number: 40982344
Notes: Previous edition published by: Simon Fraser University, Faculty of Education, Field Relations and Teacher In-Service Education.
Description: vii, 424 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm
Contents: Challenges and choices facing social studies teachers / Neil Smith --
Elements of a coherent social studies program / Roland Case --
Four purposes of citizenship education / Penney Clark & Roland Case --
The teaching of history and democratic citizenship / Ken Osborne --
Getting involved in the landscape: making geography come alive / Ian Wright --
The anthropology of everyday life: teaching about culture in schools / Michael Ling --
Archaeology in social studies: an integrated approach / Heather Devine --
Law-related education in elementary and secondary schools / Margaret Ferguson --
Global education: it's largely a matter of perspective / Roland Case --
Establishing objectives for a multicultural program / John W. Friesen --
Environmental literacy from a global perspective / Milton McClaren --
Move over Buster: women and social studies / Jane Turner & Penney Clark --
Peace education: politics in the classroom? / Susan Hargraves --
Forms of dimension-based strands / Todd A. Horton --
Resisting the erosion of education: a case for disciplines in social studies / Kieran Egan --
Beyond inert facts and concepts: teaching for understanding / Roland Case --
Children in space and time / Dennis Milburn --
Making sense of the past in a multicultural classroom / Peter Seixas --
Principles of an ethic of critical thinking / Alan Sears & Jim Parsons --
Taking seriously the teaching of critical thinking / Roland Case & Ian Wright. Escaping the typical report trap: learning to conduct research effectively / Penney Clark --
The source method to teach social studies / Harry Dhand --
"In their own voices and in their own times": exploring social history through oral narrative / Tony F. Arruda --
Using interviews in social studies / Alan Sears --
Integrating computer technology in social studies: possibilities and pitfalls / Susan E. Gibson --
Nurturing personal and social values / Roland Case --
Teaching for hope / Walt Werner --
Activism in social studies: the Chamberlin/Glassford exchange / Chuck Chamberlin & Larry Glassford --
All talk and no action?: the place of social action in social studies / Penney Clark --
Cooperative learning in social studies / Tom Morton --
Course, unit and lesson planning / Roland Case --
Story forms and romantic perspectives: alternative frameworks for planning in social studies / Kieran Egan --
Teaching the general level student: history and work, rewriting the curriculum / Bob Davis --
Integrating the curriculum: getting beyond the slogan / Roland Case --
Between the covers: exposing images in social studies textbooks / Penney Clark --
Promoting the aesthetic experience: responding to literature in social studies / Roberta McKay --
Training the eye of the beholder: using visual resources thoughtfully ; Bringing the outside in: using community resources to teach social studies / Penney Clark --
Principles of authentic assessment ; Assessment criteria and standards ; Assessment methods / Roland Case.1.
Responsibility: Roland Case, Penney Clark, editors.  
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